Portal:KIWI-LTSP/Featured article/2
Additional information, Tips
An extra benefit of using openSUSE for LTSP in an existing NetWare school network is that the Novell client for Linux can be installed enabling use of existing network home directory structures, iPrint, Zenworks and more.
- KIWI-LTSP in openSUSE-Education FOSDEM 2009 talk, slides and video.
- To make everyone comfortable with the theory and tasks, here is a theory paper
- How does KIWI-LTSP work?
- Using iTALC for administration of the clients with LTSP
- Create LTSP clustered build farm using Icecream
- Getting local applications support in LTSP (experimental)
- Presentation on KIWI-LTSP given at mukt.in '08
- Project wiki for developers