Lettre d'information openSUSE/64

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Bienvenue sur cette édition #63 de la lettre d'information hebdomadaire d'openSUSE !

Cette semaine :


  • openSUSE Build Service 1.5
    "Le projet openSUSE fier d'annoncer la sortie de la version 1.5 release du Build Service[1]. Cette version permet aux développeurs d'aller au delà de la construction des paquets. Il est maintenant possible d'y construire sa propre distribution !"
  • le projet openSUSE accepté au Google Summer of Code 2009
    "Une fois encore, le projet openSUSE Project participera au Google's Summer of Code ! openSUSE est l'une des 150 organisations cadres acceptées cette année et nous sommes enthousiasmés de cette nouvelle chance de travailler avec des étudiants sur des projets visant à améliorer la distribution et ses outils."
  • Problèmes DNS sur Planet SUSE
    "Stephan Binner nous a rapporté un problème en cours avec le DNS sur Planet SUSE. Si vous cherchez à y accéder, vous pouvez encore le faire via planet.opensu.se."

Dans la communauté





Suse Box.png

Build Service


Wiki / Communication / Evènements

  • Rapport Linuxtage Chemnitz
    "Nous nous sommes rendu à l'évènement Linuxtage Chemnitz et avons présenté openSUSE à l'assemblée (Stephan Binner and me). Ce fut une bonne présentation, l'évènement en lui même ayant accueilli dit-on 2600 visiteurs. Voici quelques retours d'opinions que nous avons pu entendre ici ou là ..."
  • Ce qui entre dans la catégorie "annonces"
    "Je trouve de plus en plus d'intérêt à envoyer des choses sur opensuse-announce ces temps-ci, ce qui est une bonne chose (à mon avis) mais je souhaiterais quelques retours de la part d'autres membres de la communauté sur ce qui doit faire partie ou pas de cette liste de diffusion."

Trucs et Astuces

  • Gabriel Stein: Using Python to work with MySQL - part 1
    "If you are a python developer and will need some querys in MySQL, please read this post. To begin, we will need an API to work with MySQL databases, I will use MySQLdb. We will need MySQLdb API installed on machine, I won´t talk about it now, please wait another post(very soon)."
  • Ludwig Nussel: encrypted root file system on LVM
    "openSUSE 11.1 doesn’t officially support an encrypted root file system which also means YaST doesn’t allow to create such a setup. By manually creating an encrypted partition and putting LVM into the encrypted container it’s however possible to trick YaST into accepting that as root file system."
  • mendesdomnic: Package Management Quick Reference
    "Package management is probably the most distinctive feature of any Linux distribution. SUSE allows users to manage software using various methods. By default we have zypper, in addition we also have smart and pkcon. Below is list of common tasks and corresponding commands used to manage a package."
  • Gabriel Stein: Documentation about Python
    "Gabriel Stein shares some Links to Python Documentations"

Nouvelles Applications et Mises à Jour @ openSUSE

  • Jigish Gohil: Compiz 0.8.2 fully released!!
    "Packages for openSUSE 11.1 users running KDE4 Factory are available from XGL Repository."
  • Andrew Wafaa: Getting things GNOME
    "Those that have been following my tweets and dents will have noticed I've been moaning about my todo list growing, and also the fact that I managed to misplace it a few times. I tend to use the great Tomboy for most of my note taking tasks, and tend to use Tasque with the EDS backend for my todo, this works well on my main laptop but not too well on my little eeePC due to space limitations which has led to a serious lack of any Mono love."
  • Ben Kevan: GNOME 2.26 is released for OpenSUSE 11.1
    "GNOME 2.26 is the latest version of the GNOME Desktop: a popular, multi-platform desktop environment for your computer. GNOME’s focus is ease of use, stability, and first class internationalisation and accessibility support. GNOME is Free and Open Source Software and provides all of the common tools computer users expect of a modern computing environment, such as e-mail, groupware, web browsing, file management, multimedia, and games. Furthermore, GNOME provides a flexible and powerful platform for software developers, both on the desktop and in mobile applications."

Planet SUSE

  • Miguel de Icaza: Mono and Qt
    "he KDE folks have created some brilliant bindings for Mono and .NET called Qyoto. But there is nothing like a polished application to really test the bindings. This week Eric Butler announced Synapse: an advanced Instant Messaging platform. ..."
  • Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett: Easy packaging of ruby gems for openSUSE
    "Every distribution has its own conventions to package scripting languages addons (perl modules, ruby gems, etc) as native packages. This allows packages to depend on those addons honoring the package dependencies, and at the same time, look like the addon was installed the scripting language tool (cpan, gem). ..."
  • Vincent Untz: GNOME & git
    "Lucas sent the announcement earlier today: the GNOME project will move to git. This announcement highlights the recent steps that lead to this decision: the DVCS survery and the analysis of its results. Of course, all this was discussed on mailing lists (okay, it quickly went from discussion to flamewar ;-)). "
  • Greg Kroah-Hartman: The Linux Staging Tree, what it is and is not
    "It's been many months since the Linux Kernel developers conference, where the linux-staging tree was discussed and role changed. It turns out that people are still a bit confused as to what the staging tree is for, and how it works."
  • Gabriel Stein: SuseStudio — Quick and Easier
    "Well, ‘free-day’ to Python and MySQL series, I will talk about Susestudio, a service developed by Novell. If you don’t understand, I will explain: Suse Studio is a service which you can use to create your own flavor of openSUSE. You will do everything online, without installed programs in your computer. And the best thing is: its free and easy to use. Really. You can create a openSUSE flavor in a few steps."
  • Luca Beltrame (einar77): KDE Brainstorm is live!
    "It’s finally there: KDE Brainstorm has been launched today! Like this, it will be possible to propose features and have them voted by the community, and then submit the most voted requests to the developers. Every feature request is screened prior to posting, so duplicates, spam and flames are unlikely to occur. There is no guarantee that the voted upon features will be implemented, but as opposed to individual postings, this approach reduces the noise a lot, and allows a better communication between the “two worlds” (users and developers)."

Forums openSUSE

  • Is openSUSE Developer Friendly?
    "User Poll on the openSUSE's Developer Friendliness. This could prove encouraging to the Development team."
  • KDE4 Slowly but Surely
    "KDE4 is starting to bring much positive feedback. @cabernet suggest a slow but sure maturing. See how other users view KDE4's progress. Is it really SLOW??"
  • Getting Wireless to Work
    "A very useful contribution from @lwfinger - aka 'Larry'. This has to be one of the most common issues for users. Larry holds your hand through this nicely prepared guide."
  • Forum Guests - who are they?
    "A interesting topic which seems to have many perplexed. Just who are these Guests and why do they visit the forum in this way? Find out more here"
  • What do you think about Cloud?
    "Varying opinions can be seen from users comments here. Quite a topical subject given the direction being taken here by some vendors."

Sur le web

  • itmanagement: The GNU/Linux Desktop - Nine Myths
    "Nobody questions whether Mac OS X is ready for the desktop. With GNU/Linux, however, the story is different. For over a decade, columnists and bloggers have been explaining how GNU/Linux isn't ready for the desktop -- and, despite all the progress in the operating system over the last ten years, the arguments haven't changed much. Moreover, increasingly, they're outdated when they're not based on complete ignorance. In fact, I often get the impression that those who pontificate on GNU/Linux's inadequacies have never tried it."
  • Pascal Bleser: freshmeat.net 3 project metadata scraping
    "freshmeat.net provides an invaluable service to the FOSS community by allowing us to keep track of new projects and new releases of existing projects in a single central location (at least for most of them). As such, it is especially useful to packagers."

Derniers Evènements & Conférences

Evènements à venir & Conférences

Alertes de Sécurité


Pour voir la totalité des alertes de sécurité, ou pour les recevoir dès leur diffusion, reportez-vous à la liste de diffusion openSUSE Security Announce.


Les nombres entre crochets montrent l'évolution par rapport à la semaine précédente.



lists.opensuse.org comprend 36600 (+56) membres non-uniques inscrits à toutes les listes de diffusion.
Les forums openSUSE ont 23349 (+274) membres inscrits
Le reccord d'utilisateurs en ligne, invités compris, a été atteint le 02-Dec-2008 à 17:31 avec 7771 utilisateurs.

2439 (+26) des 5163 (+99) contributeurs inscrits dans l'annuaire des utilisateurs ont signés les principes directeurs. Le site compte 261 membres.

Build Service
Le Build Service héberge maintenant 5404 (+38) projets, 60334 (+539) paquets, 10340 (+60) dépôts 12729 (+97) d'utilisateurs confirmés.


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Feature statistics for openSUSE 11.2:

  • total: 168 (+5)
  • non confirmé : 10 (+2)
  • nouveau : 38 (+1)
  • évaluation : 103 (+2)
  • candidat : 3 (+0)
  • traité : 2 (+0)
  • rejeté : 8 (+0)
  • clone : 4 (+0)

Plus d'information à propos d'openFATE



Les chiffres de la semaine pour tous les projets openSUSE :



Commenter / Communiquer / Participer

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