Aide de l’API de MediaWiki
Ceci est une page d’aide de l’API de MediaWiki générée automatiquement.
Documentation et exemples :
action=clientlogin (login)
- Ce module n’accepte que les requêtes POST.
- Source : MediaWiki
- Licence : GPL-2.0+
Log in to the wiki using the interactive flow.
The general procedure to use this module is:
- Fetch the fields available from action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo with amirequestsfor=login, and a login token from action=query&meta=tokens.
- Present the fields to the user, and obtain their submission.
- Post to this module, supplying loginreturnurl and any relevant fields.
- Check the status in the response.
- If you received PASS or FAIL, you're done. The operation either succeeded or it didn't.
- If you received UI, present the new fields to the user and obtain their submission. Then post to this module with logincontinue and the relevant fields set, and repeat step 4.
- If you received REDIRECT, direct the user to the redirecttarget and wait for the return to loginreturnurl. Then post to this module with logincontinue and any fields passed to the return URL, and repeat step 4.
- If you received RESTART, that means the authentication worked but we don't have an linked user account. You might treat this as UI or as FAIL.
- loginrequests
Only use these authentication requests, by the id returned from action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo with amirequestsfor=login or from a previous response from this module.
- Valeurs séparées par |. Le nombre maximal de valeurs est 50 (500 pour les robots).
- loginmessageformat
Format to use for returning messages.
- Une des valeurs suivantes : html, wikitext, raw, none
- Par défaut : wikitext
- loginmergerequestfields
Merge field information for all authentication requests into one array.
- Type : booléen (détails)
- loginpreservestate
Preserve state from a previous failed login attempt, if possible.
- Type : booléen (détails)
- loginreturnurl
Return URL for third-party authentication flows, must be absolute. Either this or logincontinue is required.
Upon receiving a REDIRECT response, you will typically open a browser or web view to the specified redirecttarget URL for a third-party authentication flow. When that completes, the third party will send the browser or web view to this URL. You should extract any query or POST parameters from the URL and pass them as a logincontinue request to this API module.
- logincontinue
This request is a continuation after an earlier UI or REDIRECT response. Either this or loginreturnurl is required.
- Type : booléen (détails)
- logintoken
Un jeton « login » récupéré par action=query&meta=tokens
- Ce paramètre est obligatoire.
- *
- This module accepts additional parameters depending on the available authentication requests. Use action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo with amirequestsfor=login (or a previous response from this module, if applicable) to determine the requests available and the fields that they use.
- Start the process of logging in to the wiki as user Example with password ExamplePassword.
- api.php?action=clientlogin&username=Example&password=ExamplePassword&loginreturnurl= [ouvrir dans le bac à sable]
- Continue logging in after a UI response for two-factor auth, supplying an OATHToken of 987654.
- api.php?action=clientlogin&logincontinue=1&OATHToken=987654&logintoken=123ABC [ouvrir dans le bac à sable]